Monday, June 21, 2010

Funny things others did or said

We were driving up to Ogden Canyon and we pulled up next to this truck at a red light. Obviously they were going to run Ragnar too. We were chatting back and forth and all of the sudden this guy in the front says "We have a mega phone!" He said it as if he was 5 and bragging to some friends. We busted up laughing trying to think of a come back, the only lame thing we could've said was "we have a cow bell".
Sarah Parke(Before van 2 started running)

During the race Brian was driving (van 2) through an intersection and the cop was waving us to turn left. Brian asked if we could go straight to follow our runner. The cop laughed and said we could (he said something else but I don't remember what, someone add it here). We all busted up laughing when we realized that Brian had the blinker on to turn left, so no wonder the cop thought we were going to turn. Sarah Parke

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Favorite Moment

Sarah Parke (Leg 8) My favorite moment was during my last 6.1 mile run. I had been running for 1/2 a mile, the scenery in Midway was amazing. Then it hit me, I feel great, I'm running faster than expected, and this is my last run. All of it together made me start to tear up...the moment ended a second later when I realized I was being silly for crying while I was running.

Before Ragnar....After Ragnar

Sarah Parke (Leg 9) "Before Ragnar I was worried about getting car sick after Ragnar I am worried that I have to wait another year to run again."