Friday, July 2, 2010

Fun in Van One

Long before any of us hit the pavement for our first legs of Ragnar, our valiant captain Brian has referred to the vehicles as "Van 1 and Van 2." They were NOT vans. They were Ford Expeditions. But I can't stop calling them vans. And Van 1 was awesome.

From our rushed early-morning beginning in Logan when they hurried us through and we missed most of the safety schpeal, to the beauty of the northern Utah wilderness along the way, and on to memories of eating pancakes at midnight in a rural high school and sleeping on the gym floor with hundreds of strangers, the whole experience was worthwhile and completely unforgettable.

My only regret is that we didn't rent a bus so we could have gotten to know the whole team better. Also I am still feeling bad that you in Van 2 ran in extreme temperatures, ran at night and had no cargo box. (Let me tell you, it was very handy.) Oh yeah, and I'm feeling a bit guilty for being runner number 4....I totally scored the easiest legs. Sorry Jerry! My heart went out to you when I saw that gigantic hill late at night!

My favorite moment....rounding the mountain south of Jordanelle Reservoir to be surprised by 4 colorful hot-air balloons alligned diagonally in the morning sky. Breathtaking! My least favorite moment followed that directly - needing a Honey Bucket like nobody's business DOWNHILL dropping 800 feet in elevation the entire rest of my 3.8 mile run. I was never more grateful to see the steep incline up to Exchange 28. I flew up that hill.

Here are a few pics I was able to capture with my cheapo point and shoot. Not all gorgeous shots, but fun memories nonetheless.

Van 1 in all its glory, The Safety Patrol, The Orange Ragnar Van, and Kirk

Honey Bucket Hotties...

Lucille was an absolute hero to run in the dust her first leg.

Thanks to Shanti's painting skills, our "I Need Pants" window was photographed frequently by fellow teams and caused much laughter along the way.

Lucille, Ang, Corinne, Kirk & Brian at Jordanelle.....Gene was running. Slacker.

Hey there, Corinne!

Pretty trees - Leg 3.

Brian was so ready to give that slapband to Corinne.

Hyrum Reservoir - Beautiful!

Howdy, Gene! (He's an incredible runner, by the way!)

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